Welcome To United States Civil Defense
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Dump the enemy's bitcoin
now before it crashes
Dump the enemy's bitcoin now before it crashes
Hi !
US Civil Defense services is not only about Civil Defense Organization currently under construction at: civildefense.org approved products we sell, but rather, more importantly both that are about promoting the central unified communications and alert system methods for strength in participating civilians and groups numbers of collaboration with the United States Civil Defense System Organization USCDS.org .
A platform for all local community groups created and operated by you "your local citizens controlled operations group" for your own local Civil Defense Organization. Our goal is to provide you a platform for all civil defense groups to be created, get connected, grow and organize with each other as independent although with common goals to: Protect and defend the
what it stands for, our freedoms, our peoples, and all property, private or public. The Original United States Founding Documents Set (a reproduction) images and descriptions can be found in Products and purchased in the US Civil Defense store.
Perfect example of why you need to create and grow your own grass roots Civil Defense Group ASAP.
Read: Why August 20 2020
"Firefighters and residents say that the cavalry isn’t coming".
We grew up and went to grade schools at ground zero in the silicon valley region, Cupertino, California, the heart of the targeted first strike zone for nuclear submarine surface to air missile attack and or intercontinental ballistic missile attack during the height of the cold war from the 1960’s to the mid 1980’s.
What's different about our products and services is communications, which can be compared to no other. We are concerned citizens, who were among the first to have our small local city attacked by rioters on May 30, 2020, while local police looked on helplessly. In all of this we feel your frustrations and are here to help you organize and connect with each other in a strictly lawful and legal way on a national scale.
We are different in that we fully understand that the past civil defense system of the 1950’s, the last 20th century we grew up under, is outdated and abandoned by our government and not really applicable for our nation’s civil defense needs of 2020 and beyond.
The old civil defense system
Still the only great example of historic products and services to be considered, with some products recreated and
offered here for the 21st century
by and for citizens of
United States Civil Defense.
Having a useful priority in 2020 and moving forward into the new millennium, these essential products are recommended and approved by CivilDefense.org and the United States Civil Defense System Organization (U.S.C.D.S.): USCDS.org so purchase these approved products in the US Civil Defense Store with pride.
Mobilize opposition at:
50 TO 1
with 1 Auxiliary Special Opts unit and never in numbers less than minimum 10 to 1